So I came upon this article that I found interesting, highlighting reasons why people who hated the Halo franchise started to love Halo: Reach. Here were the six main reasons:
1. Armor Ability
2. Loadouts
3. Health Packs
4. Assassination
5. Daily/Weekly Challenges
6. Forge World
He goes into detail about it in the article, but those are the reasons. I also found that Call of Duty fanatics who hate Halo: Reach really enjoy SWAT. My cousin, for instances, hated the "shield stuff" in Halo and loved Call of Duty because of the ability to kill quick. He came over one day and played SWAT... he didn't let go of the controller until he had to leave (he slept over too!)...
So yeah, I found this interesting. Hope you did too!
here the link to the article.